Val Wood

Cllr Val Wood

Cllr Val Wood was elected to the Town Council in 2003 and has served since. She is Chair of the Twinning and Tourism Committee and sits on the Amenities and Environment Committee, Finance & Property Committee and the Planning Committee.
Cllr Val Wood is also the Council representative for Pershore Town Football Club and Pershore United Charities.
She can be contacted on 01386 554235 via the Town Hall on 01386 561561, or on email at [email protected]

Cllr Wood’s Personal Bio:
I joined the council in 2004  becoming mayor in 2006 for 2 years. I have been on most committees at some time during the years but my favourite is Twinning & Tourism of which I’ve been chairman it seems forever!

I’m a trustee of the Friends of Avon Meadows, the southern part of which is owned by Town Council, the rest by Wychavon. I’m also a member of Pershore United Charities, Pershore Foodbank and various other local community groups including Number 8.

I was a District Councillor for 8 years serving as Chairman 2015-16.

I have family in Drakes Broughton, Pershore, Evesham and Australia.

I organize Pershore Health Walks every Friday morning weather permitting! Am also a member of Evesham Rambling Club.